Paddle tennis, aka platform tennis, is a very social sport known for camaraderie and good sportsmanship. It is an easy sport for players of all ages and skill levels to learn and enjoy and is an excellent sport for families to play together.

At the Lake Club, our Paddle program is one of the largest and most active in Fairfield County with opportunities for Juniors, Women and Men for instructional, recreational, and competitive intra-club and interclub play. As a result, our five courts are busy most nights with social, clinic and in-house play.

The Women’s competitive program participates in three Fairfield County Women’s Paddle divisions. The Men’s program competes in the Fairfield County Men’s Tennis League, where we field six teams. In addition, our Tuesday night Men’s In-house league draws
more than 120 members for play Platform Tennis and refreshments. And our newly added Women’s In-house group on Wednesday nights drew over 60 participants in its first year. The Junior Program runs in fall and winter and consists of instructional clinics and social events.

During the winter months, Platform Tennis is a focal point for social activities and events including mixed play, refreshments and dinners. Our modern Spectator House, built to provide indoor/outdoor viewing of the courts, has a fireplace, large-screen TV and outdoor firepit and serves as a hub for post-paddle gatherings, casual get-togethers, celebrations and parties.